Well, seems I’ve start to think again at my friends, and they say each of them has a unique talent, in music( here I can say I got R, A, T, N, B, C, I), in dance( T, C, C, G), instruments( S, L, V, C, B, C, F), fun( a place for all indeed), studies( again a place for all), etc. The thing I like the most is when I see each of their smiles, well sincerely that make me happy most of the time, their smiles. I got curios on a little thing I observed about me getting along easier with a girl then with a boy, and that made me pass to a friend who’s a psychologist . After long debates we came to a clue that I got a very rich imagination so some girls like this ... I’ve wondered.... but still, I asked why I can’t find my half, the answer came with a laugh but with some words too:" it’s very interesting that you asked me, I think one of your problems is that your to classic, to romantic, to much old style I could say, but the other is your defects come outside over it, the girls step of, and start to think about it before making a move...".... this made me a bit gloomy. I didn’t gave up so easy so I went with an other question" why the friends doesn’t help me correct them?", after a long and painful silence, with a grin he started" I think they aren’t as capable as you in helping friends, or they don’t know what you would think about them after the truth is spelled or you’re just a simple hand for them, you come they use you and after that you’re forgotten ". Oh my God, I’ve start to shake a bit and tanked that I have to do something so my friends could understand my feelings, what should I do to gain their confidence and trust?! , What should I…, How to make them help me, I believe I saw each of them can help me in a way or another. Oh no, I’m sleepy, my eyes are closing.... my imagination starts to blur, my brain work on. Shadows come over the night’s light.... I’m swallowing in thoughts and go asleep.
2 comentarii:
Fiecare prieten te considera unic si defectele tale nu au cum sa fie aceleasi in ochii tuturor.
Tocmai pentru ca esti un om complex(asta include si defectele) insemna ca nu esti perfect... esti tu... Defectele fac parte si ele din farmecu personal....
.....si daca pari perfect, e posibil ca fata sa se retraga crezand ca esti prea bun pentru ea.
... Lucrurile nu se pot generaliza, fiecare caz e unul particular.
Every deadly night has it’s eternal day
The darkness is stambed the endless ray… adica vine dimineata si eu inca nu dorm
....Sau poate fetele respective vor sa te ia in serios si le place latura ta romanica, clasica... Tu vrei sa le faci sa rada de teama sa nu le arati ce ii in interiorul tau . Crezi ca ele vor rade de latura ta sensibila...unele da, altele nu...
Oamenii sunt diferiti, reactioneaza uneori cum nu te astepti.... poate ca cel mai simplu si corect ar fim sinceri si direct.... asa cred.
Apropo de sinceritate... nu m-am prezentat: sunt un om care se regaseste putin in ce ai scris tu, de asta am tinut sa-ti raspund... iti urez o vara asa cum iti doresti la randul tau.. Paaaaa
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