Pfuaii, what should I talk about... is just that I’m sick of having so many diseases, people keep speaking about swine flu and I keep having nasopharyngitis, this year I think I broke a record on having this disease( 5 times till now), well the doctors shouldn’t be surprised that we are all sick when they cram us with all those antibiotics like cramming us with drugs, wasn’t there a law saying we aren’t allow to drug ourselves, but it seems we are involuntarily drugged...ha-ha... each time I established a plan for the twelve class program I wake up with a disease that disturbs my own rhythm of life and I got to become a mere vegetable.
Oh yes, I forgot to wander if the twelve class started or it’s just a whisper! eh, to be sure about that we miss school because of illness, so that’s how we will see how much we have to recover... just when I’ve started to be in vein for basketball , next will be jazz and I think I will get sick again, but better say „My Goodness!” I’m tired of this, I don’t like being lazy and speaking about boring things, especially that I have to sweat like a pig...lol... and now I’m even bald to, I really can be a pig=))... in the mean time I will start to read this year bibliography, I have to analyse 4 Romans anyway, plus I will have to read to, not only listening to music, doing sport and going to high school... not to mention about cooking!
Otherwise I’m lucky I found some new friends to chat with, indeed without just saying „What’s up?” or „Wha’ou do?” I merely tired of hearing this questions.... they denote a communication deficiency, and it’s an affront for sociable people. Sorry, I’m not saying this because I’m mad on people around me, you know I don’t get easily upset and merely getting those questions as an affront, I’m okay with it.
Now that I’m thinking , here on this tuff chair, I wander where will the Freshmen Ball will be organised this year, remembered about him when I’ve read a spoil about a ball, who knows where will my school get dizzy this year =)).
In the mean time I will do something else, I have to find a sport to be done inside cause for me it’s not enough playing 1 hour of basketball each day, even if I like to barter away the ball.
Awaiting for the photography lessons, I hope to learn well about, I’m still searching for some internet lessons, to vague to learn enough from them… it will be a shame to not pass that exam, I doing photography from so many times, and not having a diploma for it will be bad, I’m still hopping to find a photographer job in the University period, doesn’t matter the small pay I get...
For the free time as daddy used to say, I should speak more with the girls on my IM, I’ve got to many unknown in there, I wander does he thinks I’m flirting with all...ha-ha... well we keep in touch I go in the roaster to sweat a bit and cook myself perfectly everywhere...