So that's it I got to this subject to, the inspiration was exactly my dead a realy often smoker, geez... what's so interesting about smoking?, from my point of view I'd better spend my money on ecomomies then spend them on something that make's me be bored. I remember first time when I tried a cigarette, I was in 7th class, near the CFR Stadion with my cousin and a guy, I smoked a bit, but after I told my dad about it, i figured out that smoking makes no use..
When I got in the 9th class, my colleagues tried to make me smoke and still I was just fooling around with them.. even now I still remember how Cezar was happy I smoked a bit, but still next day I was refusing, I supose those who don't know what to do with their life can smoke, I won't try to stop them.
I think that the cigarettes it's just a vice, a way of suicide/torture inside without dieing immediately... I have to recognize that because of my friends I'm a passive smoker , when I see all the smoke around me from them I'm starting to feel bored, but that's what they have chosen for the free time, I saw I can't stop them so I gave up trying...
Un comentariu:
Till, poate ar fii mai bine sa nu stai in fumul prietenilor tai.Sinuciderea de care vb tu e mai accelerata tie care esti fumator pasiv.
Al doilea lucru: tatal tau, intr-un oarecare fel poate s-ar simti ciudat afland ca tu ii reduci din numarul tigarilor pentru a-l proteja;dar cu siguranta nu ar vrea ca tu sa incurajezi pati sanse de stapanire.
Al treilea lucru: chiar daca tatal tau nu obsearva tigarile care tu le iei ,sa cunosti ca lipsa lor nu il va tine departe de a-si complecta din nou nevoia de care e inradacinat sub viciu.Atunci nu cheltuie cumva mai mult?In ce masura il ajuti pe el si pe colegii tai?
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