Aualeu!!! Imagine I’ve dreamed all night about the music I’m singing. From memories I like most listening and singing Jazz, it’s a great music, it gives wonderful ideals and my index seems small... I’d wish I could make trumpet together with percussion and piano... but, I don’t know, will I realize this wish or it will remain a wish. In my first years, I’ve learned lots of things about what does and means Jazz, it’s all about a voice and instrument improvisation that makes you all shiver. Jazz music it’s a whisper, an incantation made by those who suffer and wish to make other not see this. But I observed that in our country, at vocals, boys are not attracted, for them is more interesting to make an instrument instead of singing, but still, I do instrument but without singing it seems incomplete. The Jump Band, it’s a band that helped me gain some ambition in evolving through jazz sounds. As they said, I’m their biggest fan because I never missed a concert, I loved hearing the voice of their trio and it sounds beautiful.... I told them: “How could I miss from a concert of those who showed me the thrill of jazz.... Now I wait and hope to get to the top, where they got and sing with them, tomorrow, or next year, or I don’t know I still work on it to get better.
Un comentariu:
Afară plouă, culeg o roză
El cântă-n contrabass
Cetatea stă fără de glas
De parcă ar fi de groază.
El cânt-un marş funebru
Eu uimită mă mir!
De ce să cânte-un refren funebru
Când plouă într-un cimitir!
El plânge, a căzut
Contrabasul şi la rupt
Şi urlă greu ca în delir
Când ploua într-un cimitir...
Şi plang şi eu şi tremurând
Pe umeri pletele-i răsfir
Plete încurcate şi-atâta pustietate...
Stam de ploaie în mormânt
Şi era apă, nu pământ;
Şi stând pe ploaie-n cimitir
Ni s-a acrit de-atâta vin şi de ploaia din senin.
Plete bogate şi-atâta singurătate... :)
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